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Should Mods

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davebro3 | 19:05 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | Editor's Blog
147 Answers

be allowed to moderate threads that they they have already been contributors to?


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It really is painfull to see TTT wriggling about at the back of the classroom, frantically waving his arm begging "Sir! Sir! Pick me, Sir! Pick me!"

As for the remaining complainers, we all know the rules and the overwhelming majority are able to follow them without drama, so why can't you?

Naomi, one does not require a degree in the political history of AB, nor to have been a member for years and years. All you do is type 'naomi moderation' into the search box and find all the posts you created years ago criticising the moderation as biased and not fit for purpose. There are some very prickly spats on the subject, especially between you and Andy. 😂😂😂

Ahh, so that's how you do it, Auntypoll.  Clever!  😂

Glad to be of service.😂

Oh you are ... believe me.  

moderators should not remove posts just because they disagree with them and we all know that it happens. 

Auntypoll 08.52 For Best Answer.

Untitled, I'd soon get my knuckles rapped if I did that, so no, I don't know that it happens.

When I removed a post I have to state which rule has been broken. 'I don't like it / disagree with it' won't wash

then how do posts get removed which do not break the rules?

Raving mod/ TCL does it all the time.

Maybe you don't know the rules, untitled 

The conspiracy theorists are out in force, today.

Unless a mod holds his/her hand up to the removal of a particular comment, I have no idea quite how anyone can be so certain of who did what.

I think you would all be better off self-editing your posts and making sure they don't contravene the site-rules.

i doubt very much that the editor pores carefully over every single moderator action barry. they very rarely deign to post anything so i reckon your supervisor is permanently out to lunch ;) 

There is more than one person moderating the mods.

I am tempted to start enforcing Rule 8


"There is more than one person moderating the mods"

really? who else?

I'm sure folk think they are familiar with the rules but I wonder how many would be able to say what Rule 8 was without checking?

Perhaps there should be a poll?

Good afternoon,

Just to help those struggling with Rule .8


8. Do not abuse the AnswerBank’s registration procedures and attempt to acquire multiple usernames, unless approved by an editor. These usernames will be banned immediately. Signing up with a disposable or throwaway email address is also against Site Rules because these email addresses are often abused and not used by legitimate members as they provide no way to reset your password or otherwise verify your account.

interesting that barry should feel "tempted" to start enforcing a rule because he is annoyed.

just be honest and say the moderators can do whatever they want lol. you guys are necessary evil to remove spam and the benefit you get in return is throwing your weight around your favourite website. it's a lovely feeling to be a big fish in a small pond. we can all understand that!

15:52 ironically that rule is broken by the secret mod accounts anyway.

I'm not annoyed and I certainly can't do what I like.  I know the facts and you are just guessing

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