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Khandro | 09:21 Sun 20th Oct 2024 | Editor's Blog
25 Answers

Is it possible on AB to stop receiving the email notifications of additions to the threads to which one is subscribed ?



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It's unfair to mark AB emails as spam.  It could result in the domain being blocked by ABs email provider.

Which e-mail provider do you use?

Keep a reporter's notepad beside your computer, write down the exact heading of the thread then no need to subscribe to anything.

Once finished with the top sheet can be sent, literally, to the bin.

As a backup you can train a parrot to repeat really important titles in case the wife nicks your pad to write a shopping list.

It doesn't have to be complicated.

Hadn't thought on that BARRY.

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Corby : My email provider is the German : t-online - which is a subsidiary of Telekom ( equivalent to BT in the UK)


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