4 those who haven't fingered it out yet, my username asks a question 2 (or 4) which, surprisingly (or perhaps not), no one has yet provided an answer 2 (or 4), at least, not xplicitely, although depending on what I've posted, "yes/no" or "maybe" might just as well equally apply.
Actually, 4 the most part, I would just as soon keep them guessing . . . just as many of my 'answers' do. This serves a dual purpose. While giving the reader something to ponder over, It's hard to acuse me of being wrong if my answer is inconclusive. If I'm right then, hurray for me and if I'm wrong they can't blame me for the consequences of following an erronious assumption. Either way, I feel that I've served my purpose by given them something to think about that perhaps they hadn't considered previously, and cweusly, that can't be all bad . . . can it?