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Sorry ed

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rowanwitch | 08:05 Thu 29th Jul 2010 | Editor's Blog
24 Answers
The changes really affect my eyes, have you changed the fonts as well seem to be getting glare effects especially on latest posts... Also preferred the poster being more obvious..
The lack of clutter is good though.. and at least you haven't changed the people


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"the non font change just looks different due to colour change"


"I would imagine that in a few days/weeks people won't remember the differences"

Also agreed!

There hasn't been quite the kerfuffle we had in the relaunch last September - and I hope there won't be.

Spare Ed
I like the changes. Congrats to all involved. So far we don't seem to be getting blank questions. The only minor change I'd like if it's easy is to put teh poster's name in a different colour/bold in the Latest Posts box.
In response to someone's point earlier, I use IE and the Search box is fine for me
must be some other explanation then, factor30; but some people can't see the Search button. (The box is apparently ok, but no button next to it.)
It was an IE7 Problem, It is fixed now!

Spare Ed.

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Do you know the answer?

Sorry ed

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