Crosswords7 mins ago
How To Upgrade Your Internet Browser
Internet Browsers are getting better and better.
Increasingly they're fast, flexible and secure portals to the wonders of the internet. With such progress we eventually have to say goodbye to other version of browsers. These older browsers were from a time when the current web just couldn't be imagined and as such have some very archaic rules for how it wishes to interpret a website.
And, with this, we must say adieu to Internet Explorer 6.
Internet Explorer 6 was bundled with XP some ten years ago. At the time it was setting a standard, a a standard now passed. As Microsoft themselves are to put the project to sleep with the next year or so it's time for the rest of the world to stop supporting it too.
As 4% of The AnswerBank users still use a variant of IE6 (compared to 9.7% worldwide) we're hoping to not leave them behind! So here's our guide to upgrading your internet browser for the best possible future on The AnswerBank and Beyond!
Choices, Choices.
Compared to 10 years ago the choice users have when it comes to Internet browsers has exploded. With Internet Explorer's grip on web users eroded from nearly 100% to something more like 50% you can see how other browsers have taken a chunk out of Microsoft's pie.
Microsoft Internet Explorer
However, Microsoft has improved their browser greatly under these pressures and, as such, it feels like they're back in the running.
45% of AnswerBank users use a version of Internet Explorer, so if you run into trouble there's always likely to be someone around to help. Post a question in the Internet topic if you need help.
If you don't want to try a new browser, and want to stick with something familiar then a newer version of Internet Explorer may be exactly what you need!
There are two recommended versions, based on which version of Windows you have:
If you have Windows XP, ME, 2000 or similar: Download Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 from here!
If you have Windows 7 or Vista: Download Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 from here!
Mozilla Firefox
Firefox is an open-source browser boasting add-ons galore and high compatibility. Reports of speed vary, and in reality, this has more to do with what you've added to the browser, rather than it's intrinsic properties.
Just over 17% of users on The AnswerBank use Firefox.
Firefox is fairly similar to IE and as such shouldn't be a great leap for anyone thinking of switching browsers. Download Firefox here!
Google Chrome
Google Chrome is only a few years old, but manages to make using the internet quick and easy. With a heavy focus on usability it's a little different to Firefox, IE8 and IE9. Once you get to grips with the way it works however you may be surprised how no one had thought of making a browser work in this way before!
If you're after a really simple browsing experience, Download Google Chrome Here!
Made your choice? Good! Get browsing!
Once you've downloaded the file, double-click it to begin installing.
Once finished the browser should run. You may have to import old bookmarks, or make them afresh - make sure to include !You'll also be asked if you'd like to use the new browser as default. It's best to click yes as it will make browsing and learning the new browser easier, and you can always change your default browser back later.
It's really as simple as all that. Happy surfing!