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THECORBYLOON | 23:23 Mon 28th Mar 2005 | Adverts
7 Answers

I think there should be topic called "WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE MUSIC IN THE TOYOTA VERSO AD? IT'S 'DANCE' BY ESG" 

Only a suggestion mind.........



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Oh the corbyloon - now you've ruined it for me - that was the only question I could answer!!!
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Soz, net. If you report the question it'll be removed and you can once again delight folk wi yir knowledge.
No thecorbyloon I am far too timid
'cause 'er's nithing like a brain, in a quine 'at comes fae Spain.
�Que? Chillum
it was a colloquial response to the loon, tranlates as.."because there's nothing like intelligence in a girl that comes from Spain".   Doesn't make much sense to me either, but I'd had a couple..hey, I'm on holiday.
Chillout chillum - have a good holiday

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