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pldcav | 23:51 Sat 17th Sep 2005 | Adverts
6 Answers
The ad says it takes 95% of Britain's blackcurrants to make Ribena. Do they really mean this? Or do they just mean that Ribena is 95% blackcurrant juice and 5% other stuff?


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no they really do mean that 95% of britain's blackcurrantsis used to make ribena. most of ribena is made only or britian's blackcurrant
the other 5% is processed beef I understand.
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I reckon I'll plant a few more bushes in my garden then. The jam and pie manufacturers must be desparate for more local produce!
The bloke who voices the ad sounds like his mouth is 95% full of blackcurrants too.

They mean that 95% of Britains blackcurrents make them - they can't lie so obviously, but they are saying it to make us think that it is 95% pure blackcurrents so we think it's healthy for our kids. It's a scam if you ask me!

And very true about the man with blackcurrents in his mouth!

Lol fatcat. 

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