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Gay Kiss On Holiday Advert, Acceptable ?

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SnookerPlayer | 16:52 Mon 13th Feb 2017 | Adverts
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"Normal them then :-D" Try this: People with female genotype..........NORMAL People with male genotype.............NORMAL People with abnormal genes in shape or number....Medically ABNORMAL All the rest....ABNORMAL,,,and that includes homosexuals.
17:26 Mon 13th Feb 2017
You could take your own.
I travel light.
Companies advertise to their target markets.

In this case they are saying:

Couples welcome.
Families welcome.
Homophobes may wish to travel with a different provider ...
Good one Ellipsis :-)
Whoops! There go the prayer mats then.
It was only a little kiss. What is the problem?
Men kissing 237...that's the problem for some. Weird eh?

Funny how we don't see so many complaints about women kissing.
Maybe that'll feature in the winter sun ad for next year, ummmm.
Some of you should be a little less bigoted towards people who are uncomfortable having gayness thrust down their throats every 2 minutes.
Brainwashing a generation of schoolchildren into accepting it as the best thing since sliced bread is nothing to be proud of.
Imparting a soupcon of knowledge into today's kids would be a novelty.
who said it's the best thing since sliced bread? The real good news is that it just isn't an issue for young people today.
Samjenko.......your post makes no sense.
If someone is having gayness thrust at them every 2 minutes it strikes me they are seeking it out.

As for imparting knowledge into our youngsters, some of us do that on an almost daily basis - even more than that, those same youngsters could teach some adults here an awful lot.
Gayness...what's that then?

All the ones I see on telly are as thick as two short planks. (except some of them on UC, which I missed tonight)
Samjenko, Thomas Cook is doing you a massive favour. They're telling you that gays go on their holidays. Now you can choose not to, if it bothers you that much.
"If someone is having gayness thrust at them every 2 minutes" Sorry, but what the hell does that mean? Something tells me that you don't know or interact with any gay men in the real world (as opposed to what you read in the media. I must ask my gay colleagues what Gayness means (they will probably laugh)
See what I mean. 'Twit' 'Bigot' 'Homophobe' etc. It's nice that you all fall over each other to be the greatest virtue-signaller but spare a thought for others who don't feel the need to join in.
I was unwise to quote Sam's words back at them in my reply - sorry.

It's not a term I would ever use.

I don't watch much children's TV so can't comment on the unintelligent ones you've come across.

Most of the children I come into contact with are very bright indeed.
I have to assume that since you view all the ones you "see on telly as thick as 2 short planks", you must be mensa material...
virtue-signalling - such an over used phrase!

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