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What's That Song - Car Commercial

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Joelewis2013 | 15:40 Mon 31st Jul 2017 | Adverts
1 Answers
Hi all,

Maybe about ten or so years ago, there was an advert on British TV which was advertising a car that was sound-proofed.

A male driver was driving through a European city and every time he stepped out of his vehicle there were loud crowd noises but every time he sat in his car and closed the door, a song would play. It was a woman's operatic voice that was a relatively high pitched sound and was a really, really nice song.

Something tells me it was an Italian or French car manufacturer but I might be wrong.

I've been trying to locate the song for years and no luck.

Anyone help?


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I think it was a lexus ad

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What's That Song - Car Commercial

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