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Ring Tones For Mobiles

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chokkie | 07:17 Sun 04th Aug 2019 | Technology
4 Answers
I've got my eye on a particular paid-for ring tone for my new mobile phone, via Google Play. They are quoting 0.99p for this ring-tone, but before I go ahead and get it, does anyone know if the 0.99p is a one-off payment (i.e for as long as I want to keep the ring-tone), or a monthly payment, or weekly, or even an annual payment. Can't seem to find anything to determine this on the payment page. Thanks, cheers, Chox.
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Must surely be a purchase not a rental ?
Not that I've ever paid for an app.
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I've never paid for an app before, hence the question... it's not a huge amount of money, of course, but just wanted to be sure what I am letting myself in for.
I'm fairly sure it's only a one-off payment.
Even though it's only 99p though, have you considered making your own ring tone - free and much more fun :)
I've done several for my phone.
Download a programme called audacity - available here:

This programme allows you to take a selected part of a song and save it as a separate file, so as long as you have the song on your laptop, you can crop it; then you connect your phone to your laptop; transfer the file into your music folder on your phone and then you can use it for your ringtone.
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Thanks for the link - and what a great idea ... but I've been wanting this ring tone for ages (it's a TV programme theme tune), so when I found it - it had my name written on it - but just wanted to be sure about whether it was a one-off payment or not. Many thanks folks. Chox.

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