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On The Beach

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renegadefm | 16:06 Tue 02nd Apr 2024 | Adverts
23 Answers

The fact that the On The Beach ad uses a Christmas song all year round drives me insane. 

The lyrics (it's the most wonderful time of the year) is from a Christmas song, so how do they even get away with it? 



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It's got your attention. That's the aim.

Don't talk to me about adverts!

A woman slurping a potnoodle.

A woman farting & walikg through the office with a big bog roll.

Some people surfing above a placid sea.

What the heck are we supposed to get from these?


This could be the ultimate snowflake thread. 🀣

Oh - not on now but some black horses running!

domino oh oh drives me mad 

What do you mean by ' get away with it'?. 

For some people going on holiday is the most wonderful time of the year.


-- answer removed --

ignored - oh wait!

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By get away with it, I meant how are they getting away with using a Christmas song all year round?

It's widely know to be bad luck to play or sing a Christmas song when it's not the Christmas period. 

The saying goes: Playing songs out of season, brings bad luck for no reason.

But aside from that it gets on my nerves hearing a Christmas song all year round. 

I would never book with On the beach in protest. 

//It's widely know to be bad luck to play or sing a Christmas song when it's not the Christmas period. //

First I've heard of it!

//I would never book with On the beach in protest. //

Even if they offered the best holiday/price. You fool!

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My parents drilled that into us as kids, that we should never sing or play a Christmas song outside of the period. 

They used to think it was bad luck to put the decorations and tree up too early too, we typically put them up on 20th of December and they had to be down by the 6th of January. 

A lot of these old wives tales are dying out these days. 

people do spend Christmas on the beach, you know!

//My parents drilled that into us as kids, that we should never sing or play a Christmas song outside of the period. //

Your parents were as daft as you!

(My parents never "drilled" anything into me!)

You're right, jno, we'll be in Nerja a sippin' and a dippin'. 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΈπŸ˜Ž

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I just googled about this, and it is widely concidered to be bad luck to sing or use Christmas songs out of season. 

So whether my parents were being daft or not they were probably just following sayings or traditions from their parents and so on. 

The problem is these days kids would take no notice of their parents anyway, seems to be the norm now doesn't it?

Hence why all these old wives tales are dying off. 

One sticks in my head about you should never walk under a ladder as it's bad luck, but there is logic to this as it could mean something on the ladder or from the person working on the ladder could drop something on your head.

Thats why I think some bad luck sayings were invented so that things like that stuck in your head to make you aware of the dangers around. So they had a use. 

A bit like an antient form of AI

Well if you believe in "bad luck" being visited upon you by some inconsiderate action then - good lucjk to you!

BTW - the "under a ladder" thing suggested bad luck later - not an immediate bonk on the bonce!

And breaking a mirror - 7 years BL - don't get me started. 

In my imagination there is no complication.

Also if everyone starts getting airport lounge access included then all the riff raff will be in there drinking and eating themselves stupid. So where  will us civilised folk go then?

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