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Grey's Anatomy Advert...

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samross | 11:43 Tue 22nd Aug 2006 | Adverts
5 Answers
Does anyone know the song on the Grey's Antomy advert, on living t.v. It has been on recently and is a new song. It was also played at the end of big brother 7?? One line goes something like 'I can see you lying next to me'... Please Help


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Try 'Chasing Cars' By Snowpatrol
-- answer removed --
Yip..I agree, it is Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol - and it is a beautiful song...recommend the album, "Eyes Open" - FAB!!!
Def 'Chasing cars' by snow patrol
Many thanks people - been looking for this song since the first advert :) - thanks for the same same question samross

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