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Advert that got rid of Staines

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airbolt | 01:32 Tue 20th Feb 2007 | Adverts
4 Answers
I am trying to remember an advert that had the lines " Impress Your Boss and Friends..Get rid of Ugly Staines". It might have been for a Beer?


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I was thinking about that advert just the other day - bloke standing next to a signe saying 'Staines' while some archive footage og buildings being demolished plays behind him.

Can't for the life of me remember what it was advertising though!
The song was "I hear you knocking" and I think it was for woodpecker cider
This might satisfy you. Been searching for this one for a while now.
That's the very advert there. Hope that satisfys you, been looking for it for a while myself.

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Advert that got rid of Staines

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