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Diamond Car Insurance

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Rod Serling | 12:03 Mon 23rd Apr 2007 | Adverts
6 Answers
Whi is that pretty female who sings 'Diamonds are a girl's best friend' in the Diamond car insurance ads?


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I can't really recall that Diamond car insurance ad, but is it one of the 3 blonde women that appear in the original adverts with the pink car?
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No, that's Sheila's Wheels, another car insurance company for the ladeez!
Oh yeah, thats right...I'm getting me women's car insurance companies mixed up. Diamond, Sheila's Wheels they are all the same to me!

Well then I really am quite stuck. Have you tried going on the Diamond car insurance page to see if they have a pic of this women? I dunno what else to suggest really.
erm i dont know the original version but the film Moulin Rouge! has a version of it sung by nicole kiddman. I think its better personally but you decide
I switched my car insurance to Diamond Car insurance and I did actually save money! Did MM first sing it in the 1960's? What film was it, am not old enough to remember.
Just a little bit of Googling found the answer. She's called Sarah Soetaert. Take a look at... 32

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Diamond Car Insurance

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