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The two freaks in the BT ads

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sawneybean | 15:16 Mon 01st Mar 2004 | Adverts
3 Answers
Im afraid I just don't 'get' these ads. What exactly is the rationale behind Mikey and his pal Jimmy?


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I personally don't think there's anything to get as such... I think it's just a look back into the 70s (?) to show how far technology has come with an emphasis on what is being achieved right now. I think it's trying to be a humourous look at how in awe of "modern technology" we were back then, and how that technology is laughable in this day and age.
I think you have hit the nail on the head there IndieSinger, not the funniest ads on the box though, but hardly offensive!.
I think they're great

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The two freaks in the BT ads

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