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carw1 | 17:19 Wed 05th Sep 2007 | Adverts
12 Answers
Hi world I need help, this is really bugging me. The new Rice crispie Ad - with the bloke and his 2 daughters - he says "I used to be in a band" Did he and who is he???? The face is kind of familiar but neither my partner nor i can figure this one out !! thanx


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His name is Matt Selby (son of Tony Selby of Get Some In fame) and apparently he used to be in a band called 87 Rich Street London!
Dave Hemingway from Beautiful South. Scroll down this page: l_south_review.shtml
i know im dim Ethel, but where in your link does it say he's the Rice Krispie guy?
i was just thinking the same
It doesn't say that in the link - but there is a good photo of Dave Hemingway.
oh right, it does look a bit like him I guess, but do you know for certain here?

Sorry to be picky, but it's pickled my head for a few weeks this now.

I really need to get out more!
ive looked on several sites and they all agree that is as kathyan says and i can see the likeness to tony selby, especially the mouth
Ok - it IS Matt Selby. Photo of him here: tml
Ok to end all arguments i foned Kellogs yestarday and they got back to me at 4.15pm today, the guy is definately Matt Selby, the girls are his own children, and he was in a band called 67 Rich Street then he was a backing singer/dancer in Dead or Alive, if you aint satisfiesd with this answer here's the number to fone 0800 626066
corrrr Therema, you sounded really angry in that post, was a vein popping in your forehead as you were doing it?

Thank you though :-)
LOL no not at all oh and the number is 87 not 67 typo lol, its just that there is so much arguing going on i just thot i'd end it i hate being beaten with anything lol and your welcome

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