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Wrigleys extra - the more we get together....

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Postdog | 22:05 Fri 09th May 2008 | Adverts
3 Answers
I hate this ad anyway, but what makes it even more maddening is the tune. I know it from somewhere (different words) but where?

Anyone help?


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The Early Learning Centre/Pre School/Playgroup Maybe??
Song The More We Get Together - Cullens abcs
I know that it appears alot in Barney the Dinosaur.
could you be thinking of 'Charlie had a pigeon'?

Charlie had a pigeon, a pigeon, a pigeon,
Charlie had a pigeon, a pigeon he had.
It flew in the morning it flew in the night,
And when it came back it was covered in...
CHARLIE had a pigeon, a pigeon.....

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Wrigleys extra - the more we get together....

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