disability issues
A disability category is needed? As has been discussed before.
For general questions any of the listed categories would suffice but for instance, if i wish to use my understanding and experience to answer questions specifically about disability issues i will have to search them out in all the categories, If i wish to ask specifically for advice from someone who understands ie where do i find a custom wheelchair, would i find it on travel?motoring? most of these topics answers that are answered would come from empathetic or knowledgable persons. If i was a mechanic i would probably key into motoring on a regular basis to offer my expertise.
Disability issues are broad and numerous as are the population in this category. Inclusion policies are on the whole well meaning but don't give empathetic support. bring it on!
S.P.I.D.E.R (supporting, promoting, independance, disabilities, enterprise & rehabilitation)
S.P.I.D.E.R Wed 23/07/08 12:43