Should I get rid of it? in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Should I get rid of it?

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CAJ1 | 21:10 Wed 18th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
I'm not putting this in A&N in case I get shouted at!

There is a spider outside on the window, its been there for ages. It has 2 fluffy white balls next to it (which I suspect are eggs). I hate spiders and dread the thought of loads of mini spiders (which will grow into big ones) hatching outside the window and finding their way in! I'm not moving them to another location either in case the mummy spider comes after me!

Will I get the hose out at the weekend and wash them away or is that just mean?
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Arrrgh caj get a grip!!
Do it now!! I am terrified of spiders. I know it's stupid and they can't hurt you but it's just the way they move. They are so damn quick! If there is one in the bedroom and my hubby is not about I won't go to bed.
i agree with jan
Get a plastic tub and a dustpans brush and brush these noble creatures into it and let loose in the garden or down the road! LOL! In the future buy one of these gadgets


Oooh no chimpy. It might drop on my head! I'm not getting that close.
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hailthechimp - please can you come round and do it for me?!
my mom has one of those spider catchers, it comes free with a plastic spider so you can practice
hi CAJ -i'm a little bit worried about his 2 fluffy white balls! - do you think he's showing off and trying to say "do you like my big balls, young lady"!!? .......................................remember arachnophobia - started with one and then there were hundreds of the little s**ts

if in doubt, and you can't move it, squash it!
:0( for the spider :0) for you! x
smash its head in quick quick
Just squash them - I hate the bloody things - and they do BITE !

Last night I was watching that tv programme called 'Verminators' on Sky 1 - its about an american pest control company - last night it was black widow spiders this woman had in her garage - and there were lots of them - the fella said the female one is more venemous than the male and is larger - when she has mated with the male, she eats him -now I am all for woman's rights, but this does seem a little harsh for the man spider.

I have no problems with killing them !!
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I think I'm going for the squashing technique if I can bring myself to get that close to it lol!
ooh - theres going to be a mudda
what abot ya lulu
Hiya beejay Im fine thanks, how are you my hunky chunk?
you gotta use strategy, weeal, and don't forget - cunning - you have to be as cunning as a fox, who studied the fine art of cunning, at cambridge university! .............
Wed 18/03/09
21:20 Oooh no chimpy. It might drop on my head! I'm not getting that close.

You'll be allright,i bet you'd rather have 1 spider in your house then a million other creepy crawlys that our friend the spider devours.

Wed 18/03/09
21:20 Question Author

hailthechimp - please can you come round and do it for me?!

Are we still talking about the spider here?

Wed 18/03/09
21:23 hi CAJ -i'm a little bit worried about his 2 fluffy white balls! - do you think he's showing off and trying to say "do you like my big balls, young lady"!!? .......................................


Wed 18/03/09
21:24 smash its head in quick quick

lol @ ianfran

I just belt them with something that has a long handle, cunning doesnt even come into it, or I use spray cleaning fluid lol
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Lol, you are funny hailthechimp! I think we're still referring to the spider!
hi lulu--is hunky chunk not some type of dog food
leave the blo0dy spider alone.

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