sky+ adverts - anthony hopkins in The AnswerBank: Adverts
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sky+ adverts - anthony hopkins

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rubydiamond | 17:20 Mon 20th Jul 2009 | Adverts
6 Answers
what is the name of the scary film that anthony hopkins is talking about in on one of the sky plus adverts. Something about a scary scene???
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The one I've seen he's reciting Roy's speech from Blade runner.
That's the only one I've seen RI - quoting the "battle ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion ..." a speech which Hauer improvised, and which was so good, it made the final cut of the film.
It's not the Blade Runner one, there is a second ad but I can't remember what it's from.
Think the one I saw was from PHYSCO with Anthony Perkins
Hitchcock's Psycho starring Antony Perkins

DVD here
http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/asin/B000J JRBMM/songofthesale-21/

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sky+ adverts - anthony hopkins

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