Who do you look like ? in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Who do you look like ?

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ReallyLegend | 20:18 Tue 21st Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Hi my name is janine im 35 ive got 34dd pert boobs all bought and paid for i have a perfect tan from stand and tan.
my nails are perfect acrylic french nails of course.

im blonde but not natural and i have hair extension


i look like the hot one from the sheilas wheels advert

tho im farrr sexier

and im not as silly tho i am very ditsy

oops what am i like : o) mwwaahhhh

Who do you look like ??
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I poo on you
I look like pob, the childrens tv character
You !!!!! Mwhahaha
me mum
me! :)
Claudia Schiffer...

but only if you have very bad cataracts!!
Question Author
im so foxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyy
have you been on the sauce again leg?
i look like Sue Pollard
oh actually I do look like fatima whitbread, I am well hunked up
Elle McPherson.....but a bit older......shorter....fatter
Steg that's a nice one of you on a furry rug...........naked though...a bit risque! lol
it's hard being a 6 foot 4 man with beard walking round looking like Sue Pollard
I find that 99% of sue's "look" is in the timmy mallet style glasses.
"oh actually I do look like fatima whitbread, I am well hunked up "

is that a javelin you are holding or are you just pleased to see me

sorry cazzz
I look a bit like me mam and a lot like me da! My poor daughter looks just like me! lol
thankfully not a blond dimwit bimbo. naturally blond but gone brunette. sexy enough not to flaunt it
Martin Adams the darts player
I look like this person,on the right.

Well I am this person,after my feeder BF dumped me.

http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa312/imnot cff/att-ugly_up-women-00095.jpg

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