My husband has just collected two worming tablets and six flea treatment tablets from the vet for my two dogs - that's one worming tablet and three flea treatment tablets each. Cost £116. With... ...
Bought him at 3 mths trained him well, everything going good, he went on pads all time, last mth he has peed on pad but soiled over apartment, sometimes he more often go on his pad providing that... ...
At one time it seemed every other house had a small bird in a cage. I used to keep budgies and cockatiels but the asthma put paid to that. I don't know anyone that has a budgie or canary now. My... ...
My dad lives in Arizona and I live in Oregon. He's currently visiting, and he brought his gf, and she brought her dog, and she is pretty fat, but that's not the worst part. The dogs claws are so... ...
Put a cooked chicken carcass on the back lawn outside my kitchen window this morning for the jackdaws and crows to finish when a red kite zoomed in and tried to carry it off. It dropped the... ...
Wholesale turkey massacre? (6,4,4) Singing duo; aquatic bird in Belgian warzone (8,3,5) Tricky tongiue-twister! (8,7) A strange crew! (3,3,3,3,8) A helping hand for two seabirds? (3,4,4,8,7) A queue of... ...
Hi does anyone know the answer for the prize word? I have dustland but that can't be right because the clue is a coastal location ideal for bathing. National trust mag spring/summer 24
Am a little worried but not too bad - I have had to go out yesterday and today and even when I am in - he won't leave me out of his sight. With the anaemia i am lying down and he comes and lies... ...
Yesterday my cat was off his food and was meowing pitifully. I took him to the vet this morning and she said his bladder was full and the blockage needed to be cleared. I got a call from them a... ...
Without going to the nitty gritty I am buying dog food today for two dogs that I know who are very hungry. I was reading about it and it did say that I could give them as well as the dog food... ...
Are snakes worth the trouble? A news report says that snakes kill 7000 people annually in Bangladesh alone (probably 10s of thousands worldwide). It seems their main function ecologically is in... ...
Had a lovely treat this afternoon - a family of long-tailed tits flitting between my camelia and apple trees. We don't very often see them in the garden, they are a favourite of ours. Certainly... ...
My cat has just got back from the vet with a buster collar. I have no idea why they are called that and even the vet did not know - any ideas ? Regards Mal