We have 12 week old girl kitten. Cant think of (or agree on ) a good name. I like Sybil but no-one else does. Hubby likes Kitty but its not exactly original is it? Son likes Tixy but it sounds cough...
I own a 15 y/o mare (horse) and have owned her for almost a year now, when can I expect her to come into season ? I have no wish to breed from her, but my friend and i were wondering what to expect -...
I will be gone for a month and I have a 12 week old kitten. He is staying with my family, but will he forget me by the time I return? He is so affectionate and I don't want him to treat me like a...
I ahve two outdoor cats, males, neutered and chipped. I am moving from a small towm to a big city soon. There is no way I can keep these cats indoors for long, they meow and pace and get very fretfull...
My cat went missing recently, he is only 2 years old so I'm pretty distraught about it. Does anyone have any good ideas on where to I can look for him or does anyone even think its likely that cats...
ok here it goes...... My labrador Retriever, Lili, has a bed with a hole in it so there for my other feisty cairn terrier rips it open and digs all the stuffing out. I dread coming home because I know...
I have never had a cat before & we've just adopted a 9 week old kitten. She is gorgeous & clean and was litter trained from the day we got her & have had no accidents! However she is house bound at...
My Chocolate Lab absolutley loves it when we hide a tennis ball in the house for him to hunt out. We're after a few similar ideas to keep him amused (and out of trouble!!) for when he gets bored of...
How do they get into the house, its as if they are beamed in, there are no gaps in the floor as its concrete and no big gap to get through, are they aliens, help?
hi does anyone know if anyone is sad enough to have g.p.s naucternal activities monitored !! i have 4 pigs and thought about buying a baby monitor with nite vision on so i could see what they do when...
I asked about this bird a few weeks back http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Animals_and_Nat ure/Question277160.html Thanks for your answers. It's not a treecreeper or a nuthatch. Luckily I met a...