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I recently (7 wks) got a water dragon off my younger sister who had been given terrible advice on how to look after him. For the first 4/5 months of his life he did not have correct heating or UVB...
how do i tell how far along my mare is in her pregnacy? does milk come a couple days before birth or a couple weeks? she is carring the baby low like a pop belly and is wopsided also.
my cat mated towards the end of her season a month ago.She has become very affectionate but has not come into season again so far her tummy is not showing any bigger should she be at this stage I...
i got my hamster only 1 week ago she is 10 weeks old now and when i got her she was cuddled up with 3 other hamsters, i have noticed from underneath that her belly is rounded low down and i wondered...