my dog has managed to pull out one of her nails on walking her this morning. its bleeding alot i have bathed it and put antibiotec balm ( for dogs ) on it and wrapped it up. my vet is not open until tomorrow. but she has has done this before and when i took her to the vets the vet vet said that its very painful when they pull out a nail and gave her a pain killer injection and antibiotics. being as i cant take her to the vets until tomorrow does anyone know if i can give her a human paracetamol or something else for the pain,
thanks for any replys
No. most certainly not - human medication can be lethal for dogs. If you ring your vets, you may find they have an emergency arrangement with another vet - I know ours does, it's not at our own surgery but there is 24/7 vet cover available. Give them a ring.
Our vets have recommended paracetamol for dogs in the past, I do know it is lethal for cats though. I would'nt want to risk giving them anything that wasn't perscribed or specifically for them. Can you not try putting some ice on it to ease it. I think you are best waiting and seeing the vet as soon as you can and ask them if they can give you anything incase it happens again.