Rescue Cats in The AnswerBank: Pets
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Rescue Cats

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daffy654 | 18:19 Fri 25th Jan 2013 | Pets
24 Answers
We have had our new cats for 24 hours now and they are settling in nicely. Both are female and their names are Pepper and Poppy, we will probably change those once we get to know the cats better though.

This is Poppy:

And this is Pepper:
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Daffy, those links don't work for me :-(
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The site is playing up, if you click on the place where the pic should be or on the zoom icon it opens them in a new window for me.
I can't get those images to load, Daffy :(

But I'm pleased that your new feline friends are settling in.

I can't work out whether the very shy little black cat that I've been feeding on my doorstep for the past couple of months is actually a stray or just an opportunist!
I can see the image of Pepper, (very lovely by the way), but not the one of Poppy.

Yes, the 'Zoom' button does the trick!

They're very pretty.
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Hmmm, i'm having trouble with all the photo upload sites for some reason, my internet may be playing up. I'll reboot and try again.
They're both lovely and look very alike
Yep, your method works for me daffy, good luck with your new feline friends.
Click on the magnifying glass icon, you get to see them.

They're lovely daffy, congratulations on your new family!

I like the names Pepper and Poppy too, are they sisters?
lovely pussycats.
Aha, yes, I have them - welcome, ***!
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The reboot didn't work.

The rescue centre think they may be sisters but as they weren't informed by the previous owners they can't be 100% sure. They get on well together and Pepper seems to be the dominant one, she has to eat first, Poppy won't approach the food until Pepper has finished and moved away.
Thanks, Chris! I used the zoom button and it uploaded. Yes, they are very alike. Poppy looks a bit upset, perhaps it's the weather. My cat, Stubby has had a face like a smacked a$$ since the first fall of snow days ago. It has been forecast again for tonight and has just started. Feeble flakes, but lots of it.
Ginger female cats are quite rare so I believe daffy.
are they sisters daffy ?
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Poppy is the more nervous of the two and is a little bit more difficult to approach at the moment. We are just letting them settle in at their own pace.
see that has been answered already....good luck with them
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She's definitely female Tony, they were both spayed on Tuesday and the vet would have noticed if one or both were male. lol
Pepper is actually part tortie and part tabby, her markings are very strange but it is difficult to see them on this photo.
They are both lovely and you are lovely for giving them a home.
daffy I don't disbelieve you, female Gingers are quite rare though so you are pretty lucky.

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