My Cat in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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My Cat

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west ham fan | 16:14 Tue 09th Apr 2013 | Animals & Nature
9 Answers
Hi I have a 12 year old female spayed cat, could someone suggest why she is moulting so much I groom her every other day, she is short haired, I could be grooming her all day long and still get comb/brush full of her hair, then each morning I am finding tufts of hair from her. She is very well in herself eating and drinking well, any ideas. thankyou WHF.
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Can you see bald patches on her?
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No no baldness nothing, and I do not have the heating on to high so it should not be to hot for her, strange
I wouldn't worry about it West Ham Fan. Whenever Blue grooms herself I find tufts of fur where she has been.
As they get older cats fur does change, when was the last time she was checked over?
I find with mine,who's part Persian short hair,has double coat & the more I brush the more hair comes off.
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She was checked in December when she had her boosters, I think you may be right Petal, also what I did forget to mention she has got a cottonwool sort of undercoat, I will attempt to put her picture on here in place of my so missed Boxer "Bella" thankyou all WHF
Campbell kitty (see picture) is a 10 yr old short haired kitty who is moulting like mad as she gets to be like a teddy bear over winter. Luckily she loves being brushed, but there is still fur everywhere...
I have two 12 yr old cats and they are the same this year. They have recently been to vets for their annual check and they are fine. They are short haired tabby's and i could brush them all day long and they would still cast Must be the weather we having just now
Our cats moult like fury, especially now the weather's warming up a bit - it's quite normal. Buy a Furminator comb - it's great for clearing out excess underhair. Get it off eBay, don't go to the shops, far cheaper for the real thing on eBay.

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