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Are Old Cats Like

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DrFilth | 07:57 Thu 15th May 2014 | Pets
25 Answers
old people , some people don't want to know and look the other way

what a lovely looking cat


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Sorry to disagree PP but in the context of the post it was not a quote as such and entirely appropriate.
08:26 Thu 15th May 2014
He's lovely looking isnt he?

I'm fortunate that I have a hubby who puts his foot down with a firm hand otherwise id fill my house till it's bursting with 'cast off' dogs and cats.
No, I would have thought his age (no insurance available) and health problems are making people think twice when there are inumerable cats to choose from.
// are old cats like old people , some people don't want to know and look the other way //

Oh Dr F ! GoodLife must be choking on his weeties.

The people who looked the other way were the predecessors to the Good Samaritan - Levites. At the risk of educating you - the two sets were chosen because Samaritans were looked down on and Levites were looked up to.

andyes just ic case you are itching to ask GL - olds can be God Samaritans as well. [ and Jesus they can be Levites as well ]
errr eh?
Hmm, lost me too. I thought we were talking about the cat.
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could depend on what meds it needs due to cost of vet bills

i miss mine , this was my youngest one, blind but happy sat in the garden
Main Coon or part MC DrF?
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think it was just a stray but after years of tuna,steak and ham slices any other food they fancied they were all big and lived long lives
oh come you two boo and treetop
the quote "look the other way" is Biblical
[ yeah - big book , see them in churches ? ]

and so its use in lost unwanted kitties is incongruous

Sorry to disagree PP but in the context of the post it was not a quote as such and entirely appropriate.
domestic cats are not mentioned in your bible so they do not exist
I wouldn't take on an old pet. I think their personality develops round the family.
It's probably not so much the age as the health problems that would worry most people.
Bibbz - cats full stop, ( domesticated and such things as the snow leopard and cross-eyed lynx ). ( NT only, )

The nearest I can get to - " Be nice to kitties and I dont like factory farming either " in the NT, is

" be nice to kiddies " - suffer little children.
and also children- love one another

I am not sure about if it isnt in the Bible it doesnt exist
what about Nuclear reactors, or VAT ? I am pretty sure VAT exists....
The Dr sends his apologies he can't post run out of credit.
We are full at the moment too, with five feline members of the family, and all because we took pity on a stray who turned out to be pregnant. Now we have her and her three kittens who we couldn't rehome - it appears no-one wants black and white kittens, either!
looks like murph and the same age, if she was nicer, i'd take him
tranny - it is a pity Dr Filth - I covet his monicker by the way - ran out of ackers just when the cat fur started flying...

I hope he has stuffed a shilling in the meter or whatever it is one has to do nowadays
In the last few months we've said goodbye to both our 16 year old cats, and my mums 19 year old. If we decide to get a new cat ( or two ) when we feel ready it will probably be a younger one. I'm not bothered by health problems or paying for medication - I've done all that in the past and would do it again but I know we'd all be really upset when the cat died, even if we'd only had him/ her for a short time.

On the other hand, I suppose you could lose a pet at any age so it would be nice to think their last few years were spent somewhere they were safe and loved. I can see both sides.

At the moment we've put up our invisible ' cat vacancy ' sign in the hope that if there's a stray out there who needs a home will find there way to us.
* their way to us

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