Food & Drink4 mins ago
Are Old Cats Like
old people , some people don't want to know and look the other way
what a lovely looking cat
http:// www.bir mingham .uk/new s/midla nds-new s/casey -unwant ed-cat- still-l ooking- 7115418
what a lovely looking cat
Sorry to disagree PP but in the context of the post it was not a quote as such and entirely appropriate.
08:26 Thu 15th May 2014
// are old cats like old people , some people don't want to know and look the other way //
Oh Dr F ! GoodLife must be choking on his weeties.
The people who looked the other way were the predecessors to the Good Samaritan - Levites. At the risk of educating you - the two sets were chosen because Samaritans were looked down on and Levites were looked up to.
andyes just ic case you are itching to ask GL - olds can be God Samaritans as well. [ and Jesus they can be Levites as well ]
Oh Dr F ! GoodLife must be choking on his weeties.
The people who looked the other way were the predecessors to the Good Samaritan - Levites. At the risk of educating you - the two sets were chosen because Samaritans were looked down on and Levites were looked up to.
andyes just ic case you are itching to ask GL - olds can be God Samaritans as well. [ and Jesus they can be Levites as well ]
could depend on what meds it needs due to cost of vet bills
i miss mine , this was my youngest one, blind but happy sat in the garden
http:// tinypic .com/vi ew.php? pic=2eq goxs&am p;s=8#. U3R2eih QNTs
i miss mine , this was my youngest one, blind but happy sat in the garden
think it was just a stray but after years of tuna,steak and ham slices any other food they fancied they were all big and lived long lives
http:// tinypic .com/vi ew.php? pic=2ym ypm9&am p;s=8#. U3R4BCh QNTs
Bibbz - cats full stop, ( domesticated and such things as the snow leopard and cross-eyed lynx ). ( NT only, )
The nearest I can get to - " Be nice to kitties and I dont like factory farming either " in the NT, is
" be nice to kiddies " - suffer little children.
and also children- love one another
I am not sure about if it isnt in the Bible it doesnt exist
what about Nuclear reactors, or VAT ? I am pretty sure VAT exists....
The nearest I can get to - " Be nice to kitties and I dont like factory farming either " in the NT, is
" be nice to kiddies " - suffer little children.
and also children- love one another
I am not sure about if it isnt in the Bible it doesnt exist
what about Nuclear reactors, or VAT ? I am pretty sure VAT exists....
In the last few months we've said goodbye to both our 16 year old cats, and my mums 19 year old. If we decide to get a new cat ( or two ) when we feel ready it will probably be a younger one. I'm not bothered by health problems or paying for medication - I've done all that in the past and would do it again but I know we'd all be really upset when the cat died, even if we'd only had him/ her for a short time.
On the other hand, I suppose you could lose a pet at any age so it would be nice to think their last few years were spent somewhere they were safe and loved. I can see both sides.
At the moment we've put up our invisible ' cat vacancy ' sign in the hope that if there's a stray out there who needs a home will find there way to us.
On the other hand, I suppose you could lose a pet at any age so it would be nice to think their last few years were spent somewhere they were safe and loved. I can see both sides.
At the moment we've put up our invisible ' cat vacancy ' sign in the hope that if there's a stray out there who needs a home will find there way to us.