Quizzes & Puzzles10 mins ago
Tropical Fish Tank
7 Answers
Hi I have a Led light in my aquarium with white, red, green or blue options. What is best to keep algae growth to a minimum. Thanks. Steve
It doesnt just have to be away from the sun (ie out of direct sunlight), there must be no ambient sunlight at all. Mr BM uses blue light during the day and if we want to view the tank at night, red light. But he's got quite a complicated set up. He can even replicate a thunder storm.
00:29 Sun 06th Dec 2020
Red would seem to be your best option:
https:/ /underg radscie ncejour nals.ok state.e du/inde x.php/j ibi/art icle/vi ew/3872
Looks like they don't mind red light at all...
https:/ /aquari awise.c om/best -light- color-s pectrum -aquari um-plan ts/