Dogs and fireworks in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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Dogs and fireworks

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archiestaffy | 20:02 Sun 01st Oct 2006 | Animals & Nature
9 Answers
With Bonfire night and (the dreaded word) christmas just around the corner can anyone offer any advice on how to help stop my puupy being scared of the noisy fireworks?
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The most important thing, I think, is not to expect him/her to be afraid. Some animals aren't, but if you are on tenterhooks, waiting for it, then that's going to spook him/her before they even begin. Have the telly on so that the noise isn't too much like a bolt out of the blue, and when they go off, even if your puppy goes into a panic, try not to react to them yourselves. That way hopefully he'she will see that because you're not afraid or angry then there's nothing wrong.
If I have a dog from a puppy then I always make sure that I de-sensitise it to loud noises, fireworks and everything else, to avoid just such problems. My dogs will happily mooch about the garden with fireworks going off and not turn a hair, but you do have to have them from very little to successfully do that ( it's very hard with rescue dogs etc that you may have got later in life).
I start by using tapes of loud noises, bangs, rockets etc and have the dog in the living room with me, fussing and feeding it. I repeat this over and over until the dog shows no distress ( if you don't then your dog calms very quickly) then I repeat it in the car, garden and other rooms until it's 100% de-sensitised to noise and suchlike.Some dogs are less bothered than others but if it's a pup you should be able to successfully sort it out for life of being afraid of fireworks if you put in the effort.
I agree with Altosruleok, my cat's fine and actually sits and watches with us, however I know there's a pheremone spray you can get to calm animals and I'm pretty sure you can get one especially for dogs ...ask at your vets
for my dog we use dropps which you can buy to stop exam stress. We checked with his vet and they are perfectly safe to use. If you ask at a pharmacy they could let you know about the dropps which you can just put in the water!
If you puppy is still scared after all the aids, a little game we tried with our second to last pup worked well, but you need to spend the time with it. Everytime it reacts to one of the fireworks, talk to it in an enthusiastic voice and give it a little tummy rub or whatever its favourite tickle is. Probably after after a half dozen times or so it will wait for the next bang and come to you wagging its tail and expecting more of the same. As has been said, dogs vary extremely in temperament and unfortunately a few never loose the fear.
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Thanks guys thats great. Ive got plenty of things to try now...better get started
My dog became scared of fireworks after being too near one that went off when we were out walking one day. If you can be with her? on firework nights, turn the telly on loud, draw the curtains etc. I got some tranqilisers from the vets which almost knocked her out but I could still see her shaking when the loud ones went off.
She may not be scared anyway -so you may not need to worry.
archiestaffy, there's a cd with fireworks sounds you can buy both in Pets at Home and some vets so you can do what Noxlumos said
Our 9 year old springer is absolutely terrified of fireworks, but doesnt mind the fire of guns! He's fine when he's all snuggled up inside though!

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