I have 2 indoor cats who use the litter tray, we have a large litter tray upstairs and a smaller one downstairs. I use litter that is meant to neutralise odours and empty the trays morning and night. I also use the fragranced powder you sprinkle over the top. The tray still pongs which is ok but I just wondered if anyone had any secret tips to help ease the smell?
Are you emptying it often enough? I remove 'solids' as soon as I see them and empty and wash the tray every few days. I don't get any problem with odours.
I know what you mean!
I have 7 cats who are both indoor & outdoor cats, they all use the litter trays! m forever poo picking :)
But as for the advise, im afraid i cant really think of anything else, unless you are up for the challenge that we are taking, of training ours to use the human toilet if they want!
I know you said you have odour neutralising litter but we just started using the clear crystal stuff (ours in dr martins from tesco but I believe you can get it in wilko) and find it wonderful. If that is the one you already got Im affraid I got no good ideas.
I think we tried that winny, is it the blue white crystals in a blu bag?
we thought it was good, but in pets at home, you can only by small bags.
We get through atleast 1huge bag a week, so that wasnt very good for us as we would have to buy bags and bags of it at a time, and at the price of the small bags, storage wise and financial wise, its not possible!
Just a thought - do you think diet might make a difference?
Mine eats dried food, but his turds still smell. I remove these as soon as I see them, but I think its the pee which makes the most smell.
I've also heard it said that it's better to have a tray which isn't 'too clean' (?!).
I always get the crystal cat litter. It only needs emtying once every few weeks. I last emptied mine about 2 months ago but I have an outside cat so he doesn't use it very much. It never smells. Its expensive but if you have to empty it less it's worth a go.