Hi I am looking after my sister's goldfish and I have a kitten! The fish tank is in the kitchen where the cat is locked up on a night and I have covered the tank with clingfilm but now I am worried that the fish can't breathe properly! Please can you tell me if this is true or if it will be safe!
Hi tigwig...for a start cling film will not stop the kitten you can count on that im afraid.I would put the fish in another room during ther night and you can take them back when you can keep an eye on your kitty.It would be very upsetting all round if you had to explain to your sister what had happened to her goldfish.good luck.
I could move the fish on a night yes but what about during the day? My cat can't be supervised all the time and if I keep the tank covered in clingfilm can the fish breathe is what I really want to know!
Hi tigwig , I don't think cling film sounds wise with a cat around and for fresh air getting to the fish. Do you not have a room , such as bathroom or bedroom where you can keep the fish and keep the door firmly closed so the cat cannot get near .? :-)
hi tigwig i agree with bigmamma cling film really isnt a good idea for the fish. I would put them in a room and shut the door so cat cant get in like a spare room
I would prob make my self a lid of something like small chicken wire. breathable for the fish. but not small enough for the kitten to fall though or get a cheaky paw inside.
or maybe even a make shift lid of out metal. with small holes drilled in for air holes. (alot of holes) but make sure its secured. (gaffer tape?)
you could ask your local pet shop if they have any idea. they are normally helpful. maybe they could sell you something to cover the tank?