healthy pet shop?? in The AnswerBank: Pets
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healthy pet shop??

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v3rob11 | 12:37 Tue 02nd Oct 2007 | Pets
2 Answers
i was thinking there is a lack of "healthy pet shops" in the local areas and wondered if there would be a market for this? a shop with specific "heathy food and treats" and accesorries, oraganic, non gm, gluten free.. etc...

I know burns, JW to name just two are the main stream ones but their are dozens of companies catering for this niche but it appears only can be bought in the odd shop accross the country or online.

Anybody have any opinions on this??
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Im currently in the process of setting one up, online at first eventually to a premises. The problem with an actual shop is you have to get the area right, people have to have a disposable income to want to spend that kind of money on their pets, or like me, feed their dogs better than themselves!
Having worked on a pet food stall/pet shop for more years than I care to admit, I would say that the only way to do something like this would be on line, as most people can't even remember what food they feed their dogs, let alone spend the sort of money this would cost. 'Professional' dog people (breeders, show exhibitors, agility/obedience people etc) tend to stick to what they like and the only people you would attract would be those that can afford to spend a good deal of money and don't want the hassle of preparing their own 'healthy' food. Personally I can't see much of a future for it, but wish you luck anyway!

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