Washing gravel properly can take a long time. It is best done in small quantities. Keep continually stirring the gravel while the water runs and hope no greenies are watching. Now that the substrate has been disturbed it is essential that it is cleaned properly or you'll get lots of trouble with the water.
If you are going to keep tropical fish, please consider dumping the plastic plants and get some real ones (and never call them weeds within earshot of an aquarist).
Once the tank is 'seasoned' and there is a proper amount of light/fish/plants the tank should need very little maintenance. The undergravel filter will suck the water down through the gravel where a layer of goodie bacteria will grow.
If the light is very close to the water consider somehow fixing a sheet of glass between the water and the light. If you give this glass one coat of white enamel paint it will also give a more natural look to the tank, taking away the hard glare.