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Alf | 09:43 Wed 30th Jul 2008 | Pets
8 Answers
Does anyone know what the going rate is for someone to dogsit overnight in the dog's home? It would mean an evening walk, dinner and a morning walk.
Any ideas?
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Hi Alf! I'm not sure what rates are charged but it may be worth your while just contacting your local Council's Animal Welfare staff. They should have all the info you require and are very helpful. They may also be able to give you names of dogsitters who would look after your wee pet. If you have someone in mind, these people may be able to help you re what to charge etc etc. Its well worth chatting with them, you will get all the info you need. Best wishes :o)
Animal Aunts is probably one of the most expensive, so if you ask them and then work backwards, find a local person through your vet and you will get it a lot cheaper. QCFQgrlAodwlFpSw

I would think around �25 - �40 for an overnight stay.

Separate visits would be about �10 a time, i.e. visit in the evening and again in the morning. Would your dog actually need someone there overnight?
costs us 15 quid in leeds
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Thanks all. I just don't know how she would do in someone else's house. I just have to get my head around a stranger in mine!! At least now I have a price bracket to work around. I'd pay anything to know someone is at the other end of the tug!
Hi Alf,

When I was at vet school we quite often got emails sent round to see if anyone was free to house sit for various people. Likewise the student vet nurses. Maybe an idea?
Quite often you will find cards for people advertising for dog walking, house sitting etc at your vets, it's worth having a look.
Sorry I've just read lankeela's post which says what I just wrote!! dur.....
Have a look on doglost, there is a pug that has gone missing while in the care of a dogsitter, while its owners are on holiday in the States. I'd still prefer to leave mine securely in kennels.
On the market this week there have been dozens of poor dogs being dragged round in the heat because there owners have taken them on holiday and cannot leave them in caravans or holiday homes. They would probably say its cruel to leave them in kennels!

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