My cat has recently started to poo in the bath and wee at the bottom of the stairs, but normally she would do that outside and i dont know why she has started to do it inside? Can anyone please tell me some reasons for this as i will fix the problems.
Probably due to the cold weather. How old is she, just wondered because older cats feel the cold badly. My old cat hasn't gone outside, as she usually does, since the cold weather hit. She now has a litter tray until the weather gets warmer. It might be an idea to try your cat with a tray. Good Luck.
My old cat started to do much the same. I have now put a litter tray down for her and she's okay most of the time but she does get confused about where she is sometimes and there are occasional "accidents". If you haven't already done so then a litter tray may be the answer
with our old cat he started to poo in the bath when he got to about 15 years old. we just dealt with it, not to messy just pick up with tissue and flush the rest away. then clean round bath.
i would put up with that every day if we could only have him back but he was very ill at the end and I think that was the start of it.