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casting by dog

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Connemmara | 16:56 Fri 12th Feb 2010 | Pets
5 Answers
God is my dog casting. I have bought him everything defurminator,combs brushes and if I even go to touch him hair is coming off in bunches. I need to get him shaved to the bone but it is too cold. Just after cleaning my car hairs everywhere - god knows where they are when you cant see the best. Anybody any ideas or help!!!!


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If this is unusual for your dog you should ask the vet to take a look at him. If it's not unusual I wonder why you choose this breed (whatever it is).
Do you have to put him into the car?
You should certainly not 'have him shaved to the bone'! Although I am hoping that this was said in jest?
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I had no choice of his breed of which I know not. I got him in a rescue centre some 6 years ago and sorry where I go he goes in the car - he thinks he is my son - unbelievable talented little sod. Knows the difference in my day and night clothes - when I put my make up on etc and knows I am going out and better than Geordie Best with his football any time. In fact my friend wants me to tape him and put him on You have been framed.
Hi i have just had my westies groomed and clippered, Its not that cold i am sure they will cope, The heating in my house is on so they warm up quick but my dogs want to go out and they are spending more time bounding around the garden which is highering there blood flow which is keeping them warm, Ours are also maulting in handfulls, its a nightmare at the moment with all mine but we have jumper/jackets for ours if they shiver
You could bath him to get rid of the old dead coat, and give him a coat supplement. I use Yumega, but there are various different products on the market, even cod liver oil may help.
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thanks yules 77 and josephine - did bath him - had to from all the muck in the park but no coat comes off - Loves to jump in murky black muddy water but loathes lovely clean water when I shower/bath him. Any way I will give it a few more weeks to get him cut - I also have two coats for him. May try that yumenga stuff. Right now He is lying at my feet after being in the bedroom all night. I never get shot of him. He is always terrified I go out without him which I will be doing today. thanks for all your answers bye

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