My neighbour has recently started throwing my cat's faeces back into my garden, which lands on a paved area near our kitchen. I have 2 cats, 1 year old, and I suspect that they have been fouling in his garden for a couple of months. There are of course many other cats in the area, so I am assuming it is my cat's mess that is being thrown over the fence. I have not had any historical issues with this neighbour and would like to talk to him about this problem when I have some knowledge of where I stand legally. I understand that there are no laws specific to the owner being responsible for it's cats behaviour, but surely he cannot behave in this way. Any advice or guidance would be great.
Cats like freshly dug earth, so try getting your spade out and creating an area in your garden that is appealing to your cats to use.
Having done this tell your neighbour what you are doing to alleviate the problem, and ask him to stop chucking it around. Perhaps buy him a container of cat repellant and a water pistol.
We too lose stuff to rabbits, etc and actually as they are wild animals we don't worry about it but I am afraid we view cats as a different matter all together as they are people's pets and it's a pity they don't stick to their own gardens. That of course isn't going to happen......... :O(
The cats in my area don't bury their poo...EVER. It all just lies on the various surfaces including plants in tubs. Most people in my area have cats and they (the cats) are a bl***y nuisance. The owners don't care.. as far as they are concerned it's a fuss over nothing. At least dog owners pick up their pet's poo (or at least they should). I'm an animal lover but I've been put right off cats over the years. As for the throwing it back over the fence...well done !! I used to know someone who collected all poo from one cat in his area and put it through the owners letterbox with a note saying "yours I believe".
Cats are not stupid - well can they make a cup of tea? can they answer a door bell where are the guide cats for the blind???
Yes cats are stupid not as stupid as the owners though. If you want a pet take the responsiblity. I would love a dog but as I work I am not daft enough to get one. Chris Packham maintains that one cat per 15 households is about right territory wise. How many cat owners think about that before going and getting one.
Don't even get me started on aninal charities - they should close the lot down
Well darren 8899 if you can't take responsiblity for your pet dont blame someone else for trying.
Do you really think your responsible enough to have one
Ummmm - I apologise your cat is obviously some kind of prodigy. Try getting it a chemistry kit and see what it can come up with
Thanks to those of you who offered sensible and practical solutions, we have tried a number of approaches and will persevere and try some new ones. To the rest of you, thanks for making my Answerbank debut an interesting one
I'd do exactly the same as your neighbour - your cat, your mess to clear up.
I have a problem with neighbours' cats fouling in my garden and on my lawn - it drives me crazy. One of these days, the antifreeze will be left out.....
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