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Is there some way that I can transport canine insulin on days out with my diabetic dog.

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kjfjhm | 07:55 Sun 09th May 2010 | Pets
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Hi. I'm no expert but could you not use a small chiller bag or something like this......

You can get lunch box sized freezer packs as well......

Lisa x
this should be the freezer packs..............
If you're going in the car you may want to investigate car coolers like this


plugs into the cigarette lighter and is also handy to keep your bevies cool on a trip.
or, here is a cheaper one that will suit your needs
Mpf^#%@ this copying links doesn't seems to work. Go to Ebay and search for

4 litre SILVER mini fridge run off mains & 12v car
if you contact the Diabetic Assoc they sell travel packs for insulin.

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Is there some way that I can transport canine insulin on days out with my diabetic dog.

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