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Dog that runs away

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Snappy | 12:38 Sat 02nd Apr 2005 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
I have two dogs, both Labs, an elderly bitch and an entire male who is coming up to three years old. My problem is with him. He is quite excitable and has LOTS of energy. When i take him out without our bitch, if he sees another dog he will run straight for them, no matter how far away. He is not aggressive just curious but it is a bit of a problem as he seems to completely switch off from anything else around him, just totally focused on the other dogs. I work with dogs and have a lot of experience with them, I've tried endlessly working on his recall which is brilliant except in this situation. He just switches off from my voice, biscuits, everything! Any suggestions?


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I would suggest a Masterplus in this situation!

Contact a company called BritishDog, they are really good & will sort you out to either buy one or just try it to see how your dog responds.

It consists of a main unit which is on a collar...your dog wears that bit & you carry a remote control unit. The unit that the dog wears contains a refillable cannister of cold compressed air, which can be activated by you even if the dog is quite a long way away.

The cold air is a shock & it breaks the dogs fixed concentration & gives you the chance to get the dogs focus back onto you again.

The cold blast of air will normally stop any dog in their tracks & they don't realise that you have anything to do with it!  At this point, having suddenly jolted the dog into reality again, you would call him to you & praise like mad. A few times of doing this will convince the dog that is it far better to obey what you are saying & not ignore you as he receives a cold blast underneath his chin otherwise. The really great thing is that the dog does not associate you with the unpleasant experience. are fantastic & give him lots of nice things & fun....going away & ignoring you is not pleasant & something shoots him with cold air...very scary!

I have had results with even the most unreachable dogs, good luck.

and where can we find Masterplus?
I have used the electric collar which gives a minro shock, but I believe the RSPCA is trying to make them illegal. Cruelty to animals. Can't help feeling it sis worse to put the dog down for chasing sheep, which is why I got one (it worked).
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Thanks for your answers, i don't want to use an electric collar but the air one sounds promising! I'll look in to it!

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Dog that runs away

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