My cat is ten years old, and his breath stinks, he had a tooth out a couple of years ago I am sure the rest of his teeth must be going bad. He eats lots of cat meat from pouches and biscuits, unfortunately he thinks he's a labrador and eats the biscuits whole. What can I do to improve his teeth ? Are there any biscuits too large for him to swallow whole, that will help clean his teeth or anything (like a bone) that he can chew? I remember my last cat had something in a tube that he licked off my finger for dental health, is there something like this that works ? Thanks all.
If his teeth are going bad as you say, shouldn't the first thing be a visit to the vet to get them extracted? If he's eating the biscuits whole, as you say, it might be because his teeth are too painful to be able to bite them into pieces. After the vet has sorted his teeth out, if he's got any left, you could feed him some Hills Feline t/d which is for cleaning cats' teeth - and they like it. Hope you get him sorted.