Cat S**t in my Garden in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Cat S**t in my Garden

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Angel41 | 22:48 Tue 05th Apr 2005 | Home & Garden
10 Answers
I dont't own a cat and I'm having problems with cats fouling on my lawn and flowerbeds. Apart from shooting the little ******* does anybody have any suggestions of how I can stop this.  Thanks
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This has been asked before, my suggestion then was a water pistol.
Can't remember what else was suggested, but the questioner said thanks for all the ideas.
I've tried every product known to man to keep cats off my flowerbeds, including orange peel, garlic, pepper, purpose bought cat repellent and they are all rubbish. Last summer I bought a product from a garden centre called ZOOPOO which I think is lion or tiger droppings and it worked!!!! I cant recommend this stuff highly enough.....and don't worry, it doesn't stink your garden out.
Chilli powder
I have sonic cat repeller set up to stop them taking fish from my pond. It works very well except for one cat who turned out to be deaf! Sadly(?) he is no longer around
You can buy 'Get Off Crystals' from Pets at home.
They are both a dog & cat repellent.
I used to find a fast moving potato did the trick. Timing, and aim are everything. I hate cats. Sorry to offend all you cat lovers.
Morelo you aren't the only one. It was so bad in our garden due to next door's cat crapping everywhere that I didn't let my kids out to play in our own garden last year.

This year however, we invested in several pieces of rubber spiked lengths to stick on top of all our fences so the little sods can't get in. B & Q sell them. We also tried all the above suggestions as well as those metal cats with glass eyes from Betterware. My partner had a wonderful time last year with a water pistol and a few well aimed pebbles.

Our neighbour has loads of nasty cats.  We can't let our dogs have free run of the garden as the cats stand their ground even with 7 stone of greyhound charging towards them!  I have to walk the full length first to check for the little *******s

They've even learnt the range on my hose and stay just out of soaking distance.

Personally I like the potato idea.

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