I live in London and the foxes are getting braver and braver. They play under my window and make a heck of a racket! I like watching the pups playing, but I have a 5 year old dog and one particular fox keeps stalking him on his evening walk, which is worrying, as apart from fleas and mites, they carry Leptospirosis and the vaccination for that only lasts six months and I was up the Vets a few years back with our old dog, and a man's dog had been bitten by a fox and he died, so as you can imagine, this fox is worrying me, as my stupid dog wants to play with him! I can't help liking them, though, and my dog watches them through the window playing around and looks so sad because he can't join in. This is in a communal garden at the bottom of a tower block (where dog's are not allowed to go, but the kids are) near a large park next door to West Ham Football ground and they stroll about the park in the day time as bold as brass!