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Mystery crapper...

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snags | 12:35 Wed 17th Aug 2011 | Animals & Nature
45 Answers
A creature has recently started crapping in our front door porchway during the night. Wiping some bleach over the floor has kept whatever animal it was away for a couple of days but last night it returned and dumped on the actual door mat instead.

Aside from removing the doormat and continuing with the bleach, anyone got any other ideas how we can stop it? Incidentally, would a cat crap in a front door porch way on a cement floor or is more likely to be a fox?


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Thanks yelenots, will try that too...
Pepper may be effective but it's a bit expensive. You can buy products in pound shops with names like 'Scent Off' and 'Get off' ; they are granules and animals don't like the smell. I buy them in England and they work well against pine martens here which have a nasty habit of climbing up into your car's engine bay and chewing at the electrics, wards off cats too.
Why don't you just put a baby's stair gate up at night? Problem solved. Lol.
That won't stop a fox.
my money's on a fox - badgers have really smelly black poops with lots of seeds - and they dig holes and defaecate in them to mark their territory - or so I understand
it would ladybirder if you have a net type one.
I think it could work if it was high enough... judging by the 'evidence' it's either a small fox or big bloody cat! I have perused caz's links (glad no one looks at the history on my laptop) and I still think it's a fox.
I still think my first suggestion is a real possibility
Nah... No way our neighbours would produce anything that dainty...
Make snags sit on the front step all night with a shotgun...........
Don't encourage him craft... he's already got a bottle of water by the door...
lol why am I not surprised.............
You should have seen his face off with the suspect cat... He is one 'ard bar steward clearly <eye roll>...
Good job its not a cow
Send him to Regents park tomorrow to cadge some lion poo............put that on the doorstep for the night and I don't think you'll get any more visitors (of any kind).......
No visitors eh? Sounds promising... I was personally going to leave it a newspaper or a good book...
I have the same problem and with cazzz's link have identified it as fox poo. For the last week I have had to clear it up once a day. It is usually on a step or small wall. Incidentally, doesn't a cat bury his/her poo? I always thought it did but I could be mistaken. So, how do you get rid of the fox - apart from shooting him, that is? It is not a pleasant job to clean it up. I spray it with disinfectant after but that doesn't solve the underlying problem.
The smell of bleach seems to be some sort of deterrent but there have been other good suggestions on the thread too which will be tried.
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