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Why isn't it dead?

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B00 | 15:44 Tue 25th Oct 2011 | Animals & Nature
95 Answers
As most of you know, I have a rat in my kitchen. Last Thursday the Rat Catcher (ha, didn't sodding attempt to catch it did he?) put some poison in trays behind my fridge. Anyhoo, on Sunday the damn thing was still alive and well and last night I'm sure I heard it.

How long does this stuff take to work? Can I be even sure it's eating the poison, as I can't get behind the fridge to see, and quite frankly I don't wanna either. The Rat Man's coming back in 3 weeks, but I want it gone...well, like yesterday.

Is there anything I can do to speed up the process? I'm worried about getting more poison as ive a dog, and apart from where the poison already is there's nowhere to put it where she (the dog) won't get to it and stupidly eat it.

(Correct category this time Boo? Check!)


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don't fanny about with the rat man, B00 - he will keep taking your money for more bait - just get a trap....
Try a gardening centre of a DIY shed that has such a section.
B&Q sell them.................
If they do, hold the 'phone at arms length and ask him to tell that to the rat....
"OR a DIY shed" - like I typed >:-(
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Cheers OG, never thought of that- will do. What about places like B&Q? I thought of that one Den, was a bit peed off when i coughed up 25.00 to the rat man and he put two little piddling trays down and bogged off- I wanted him to come with a machine gun and blast the bugger to smithereens.
I did warn you BOO. What those rat men do you can do yourself. They only put little trays of poison down.

We haven't had a lot of success with rat traps to be honest. They are clever buggers them rats!!
I would go with the rat trap and choclate...get the trap in B&Q.. It WILL stink if it dies hidden away behind your will then have to take it out anyway to retriev he body...better to catch it then deal with it...
Chocolate???!!!! It will be BOO that gets caught in the rat trap!!
Do you really think the chocolate would make it as far as the trap?
Rats and mice seem to love chocolate for some reason.....
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sorry Craft, didn't see that you'd already said that B&Q sell 'em. Will definitely potter there at weekend.

Not a massive fan of chocolate Lottie, so it's safe, well from me anyway- what 'bout dog? She likely to get her snout stuck in it?
If you can "borrow" a cat, do. They are extremely patient. Mine sat watching our garden shed for hours and eventually the offending rodent put in its final foolish appearance.
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And cheers Murray Mints- i honestly don't mind disposing of the body, the relief of the thing actually being dead will over ride my squeamishness on that score, probably...possibly...maybe...
Boo you don't really think you've only got ONE do you.............?
I'm off .......
Whatever you decide to do, do it quickly, as the smell of a dead rat is really a smell you never ever want to smell, believe me. We had one in our garden and the stench really gets down your throat and you not only smell it, but can almost taste it for days after. You don't want it going and dying somewhere inaccessible
I'd be loathe to let an animal get after it, partly because I'm soft and to me it sounds cruel and partly as you don't know what it might have and could pass on to another animal.

Has Ratter seen this yet? Didn't he do pest control (hence the name)?

I got a humane mousetrap from B&Q when one of the cats brought a live mouse in, dumped it on the pillow and it made a leap for freedom behind a bed.

I spent a while talking to a little motionless lump down the side trying to see if it was still alive or had died of shock until it noticed another little face looking up at me and I realised I've been talking to a rolled up sock (yeah, you might not want to take my advice)!

They are very clever creatures, rats (I had a pet one) so I wish you luck!
rats do not drink water, they get fluids from there foods. Peanut butter apple and choclate all work, wilkinsons do rat traps too got one for our garden and the little bastard was dead in hours!!!!!
Any of the DIY sheds or any good hardware store should have traps and/or poison.
You should also consider how it got in. With the cold weather coming they will all be looking for cosy winter quarters.

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