Very commendable if you have the time and experience to train it to hand signals - there is a lot of information on the net to help but if you are just thinking you wil get a cheap pet then don't bother - you have to think of things you wouldn't even consider with a 'hearing' dog.
IF you have plenty of patience and like to train dogs to do HAND SIGNALS you should be ok remember alot of training will pay of but i dont think you cancall your puppy because a deaf puppy well cant hear.
Just like lankeela said
I took on a deaf rescue dog. She had no problems with being deaf and learned her hand signals within 15 minutes. Once you've given hand signals you will always use them, I can't break the habit and my hearing dogs respond to them as well. You may need to be careful letting the puppy of the lead. I used a remote controlled spray collar to give commands when I was too far away for her to see me. That worked like a dream/ And just think, no problems with fireworks.