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Dog playpen

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josaphine32 | 12:21 Sun 01st Jan 2012 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
Hi, Hope you are all having a good new year, I have been looking on ebay for a playpen for ninnie our new puppy, from thursday morning I will be leaving her for just 2 hours 8am-10am, I don't really like the idea of shutting her in her cage at that time of the morning as she is so excited, She gets on very well with my other three dogs but I can't leave her out with them un attended at that time, she will get walked before I go as her she will then be covered with vaccinations, Anyway I would like a puppy pen that I can connect to the crate so that she can still have fun but will be safe, All i have found on ebay are hexagon ones that do not connect to crates, can anyone give me some help with which ones that open up to connect to crates please.



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Do the people who made your crate not have a website, maybe they do one.

Lisa x
This doesnt connect to a crate, but you could put the crate inside it, and I know from experience how well made these are.

I have two lots of puppies at present in puppy pens with crates inside. It means you can shut them in the crate if you need to but they have the run of the pen when you want them to. One if a Croft and one is from Dog Health (similar but not quite so sturdy). Croft also do a lighter weight one but it depends on the breed. The Croft ones also link together very easily.

However if its definitely only going to be for two hours she would be fine in a crate.

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