I have an old male cat aged nearly 12 yrs and got two kittens in september and they all seemed quite happy together the kittens have always greeted him with great enthusiasm.
The kittens are now 6 months old and he ( the older cat) has started being aggressive with them going up to them and biting them they are starting to become fearful of him I dont know what to do about his behaviour towards them
Has anyone any suggestions for me
Are you sure it is not 'play fighting'? I think cats will bite as part of play anyway. I got my dog about 18months ago-and initially Caspar stayed away from her. Now-they have become quite boisterous together-with Caspar wrapping his paws around Sally's snout,and gnawing on her head. He gets a yelp out of her now and again. ;-0
At six months old they are approaching the age when they would be seen as rivals for territory etc Senior Puss is sorting out the heirarchy. Most of it will be part of minor scuffles when the youngsters get 'uppity' but hissy fits and squabbles will now be an intermittant part of their lives.... maybe every few months once the pecking order is sorted....
Now when you mention that some cats around here a more forwad and do not run away when to to do so .Some I honestly would be a bit scared of them .Maybe something inthe foods is changing there sorta placid ways