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Cat punishment

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coccinelle | 17:21 Wed 18th Apr 2012 | Animals & Nature
65 Answers
My cat, for the first time that I'm aware of, got up onto the worktop in my kitchen. I found her eating a ready to go into the oven stuffed pepper. As soon as she saw me she dashed for the door so knows fine well that what she was doing was wrong. How can I punish her. No food tonight? (me considering she's already had tea though only got as far as the top part) or what would you do so she won't do this again?


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And you think they don't go on your worktops.... try teaving a fine dredge of flour over them at night and look for the pawprints in the morning They will look at you all innocent as if to say,,, it wasn't me honest...
They walk everywhere. They are too nosey to stay on the floor.
Lol yup ^ too true. My Indi's into EVERYTHING. The other day I was glossing the woodwork on the stairs, when I'd finished, Indi sauntered down, covered in the stuff.

Not worth bothering with stronger covers Rowan, i've learnt- leave nowt out that's a temptation to the spawn of Satan!
Serves you right naughtiness and cattitude is part of the breed standard I am sure... you should have gone for a ragdoll if you'd wanted big quiet and gentle
It made me laugh when my son came in late for dinner. I told him his dinner was on the side...he shouted through 'why haven't I got any meat'
One of ours once made a bid for freedom with half a leg of lamb... it had already licked up all the meat juice from the pan...
lol yeah probably Rowan. Friendly she aint! Though she does come for a 5 minute stroke each evening before she gets bored and sinks her teeth in me and then stalks off- guess I should be grateful eh?

Does anyone elses cat go to the door to door when someone knocks to see who it is?

Indi would be the same ummmm, except she'd eat everything else too.
Re. cats getting everywhere when your back's turned.....we have very high ceilings in our kichen, and some wall cupboards that reach to within about 8 inches of the ceiling. I seldom clean up there but last time I did - pussycat pawprints!
Brian can smell fish from the street. Open anything fishy and he's crying to get to it. He doesn't even care if it has chilli on...he just shakes his head and carries on.
I have photos somewhere of my old cat looking down from the kitchen units... I couldn't get up to them without a stepladder she used to run up the net curtains
*Chortlesplutters* I am still laughing at the idea of an effective punishment for a cat. You shouldn't for the reasons stated above. but you can't anyway. It will just escalate the situation. She will view punishment as the opening gambit in a cat/slave war. Then at 3am she'll bite your ear and crap in your slippers.
Humans v cats its so one sided we never had a chance,,,,,

And they still have the 'look cute' as a fallback position by the time you've gone aaaaah you've forgotten why you wanted to strangle thee little s0d
If you persist also in not letting her in, she's drop you like a ton of bricks and f3ck off to the neigbours where she'll tell tales of drunkeness and cruelty whilst scoffing their pilchards and cream. You can't ' punish' cats- nor should you want to, she hasnt actually done anything wrong,you just left somthing tasty lying about after you've fed her nasty bland food all her life- what do you think she's going to do?
Lol NOX....
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Thank you for all your answers. I won't be leaving anything again on my worktops that's for sure. She did eat last night but not in the kitchen, that'll be an out of bounds place at least for a while. So no punishment, just changing habits.
Mines now stalking through the house meowing at the top of her lungs- it's ace when she does that....
Brian loves the sound of his own voice. He sounds like...mum mum mum mum mum mum mum mum mum mum mum.
I'd love to think how delighted our black furry nthing was when she discovered an "inside loo" during a storm last week.
They were my flower seedlings on the windowsill. And this is an 11 year old cat - not a kitten! I couldn't be cross though - it's my fault for leaving the opportunity there!
I've recently taken in a poor old cat that belonged to an old lady in the village that died and her idiot daughter thought it was alright to lock him in the house without company and just pop in once every couple of days to feed him for nearly a year:( anyway he's with me now and seems to be a happy chap but he has a terrible tendency to try to curl up on your head at night when your in bed.
I woke up the other morning and there he was and yelled ' For f3ck's sakes Edward stop sitting on my face' and heard my daughter who was on the landing at the time go into hysterics and say 'Got a gay lover Dad?'
Glad we haven't got any neighbours on reflection. I love cats but theyre always more trouble than a cart load of monkies.
Brian used to sleep on my face when he was a kitten. OH didn't get much sleep because he was always worried the cat would suffocate me. Luckily he doesn't like sleeping with us now.

He still tries to suckle me though.

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