I've posted about this problem before and tried all of the helpful advice given, but alas nothing has worked and next door's bloody vermin is still crapping on my gravel drive.
I know its petty, but I've taken to delivering the crap back to the cat owner's drive (which is also gravel) which, as you can imagine, is causing an issue. I couldn't really give a monkey's but Mrs Flop would rather live harmoniously with the old woman next door, despite her being a sour faced old harridan who is disliked by pretty much everybody else.
I'm rambling - does anybody have any other ideas please? I've tried the lion poo, special plants which are supposed to repel them, electronic gadgets all to no avail.
I'd kick the little vermin bastard, but I understand this is frowned upon - and I can't let my dog out because he is such a big pansy the cat will bully him.
Thanks - just sick of clearing up animal crap that hasn't come out of my animal.
D97x7 as the best answer. Cats can't be reasoned with as they really don't care what you think. Booby traps and water is usually the best course of action.
Duncer has a point, a cat is 1/20th of your size. Are you a man or a mouse? This cat is invading your property and ignoring your attempts to shoo it away. This is what makes me love the evil little fur balls. :-)
The fact that I haven't kicked it after all this time (it has been going on for ages), despite my frustration and annoyance, pretty much confirms the bastard vermin won't be kicked, but it just really p****s me off that is craps on my drive.
wolf - are you seriously suggesting you would have no problem if your cat was crapping on somebody else's drive because you can't reason with them and which makes you love the evil little fur balls?
If I was a cat owner, I'd be mortified if I found out may animal was crapping on somebody's drive.
If cats poo in my garden I clear it up, much as I clear up my own cat's poo and my dog's poo. Life is just to short to worry about it in my opinion and like Mrs Flop I would rather live harmoniously with the old woman next door.
However, water pistols are a good option and the cat won't he harmed.
You think you've got problems. The next-door neighbours have just returned from their weekly shop................their Chinese Crested rat has been howling non-stop for 3 sodding hours.
LL they used to be classified as vermin, which was why, until a few years ago, you had to tell the police if you'd hit a dog with your car, but not report hitting a cat..............
flip - it would bother me if my cat was upsetting a neighbour. I know that you have no intention of harming this cat and I do understand your frustration.
I hope that the best man wins - my money is on the feline.